Product Design, UX Strategy and Vision Work
Nikola Velev – a human-centered product designer focused on crafting not just interfaces but transformative experiences.
Currently shaping the future at Dell Technologies, where I tackle complex challenges with innovation, AI, and automation.

Trusted by companies like
Dell Technologies
UX Designer
Design Team Lead
Google Digital Garage
Project Graphic Designer
Web Designer
BG Golf Association
Web Designer
SoftUni Fest
Jury Member
Sense Shisha
Graphic Design

Congress & Events
Graphic Design
About me
I’m a UX and Product Designer at Dell Technologies, working on initiatives that transform how the company operates. My focus is on vision work, designing innovative solutions that integrate AI, automation, and human-centered strategies to make operations more efficient – saving cost, time, and effort.
Nine years ago, design gave me a fresh perspective on life. Today, UX, product strategy, and problem-solving continue to drive my passion for creating meaningful, impactful solutions.
If you’re looking for a designer who can help you tackle your next challenge with creativity and purpose, feel free to reach out!


APEX – Product Design Style Guide.
(Password-protected case study.)

Dell Premier (My Account) – Multicomponent 1st and 3rd party integration.
(Password-protected case study.)

Checkout – Expert review
& Heuristic evaluation
UX design Education
online banking app.
My design process
Research users' needs
State users' needs and problems
Challenge assumptions and generate ideas
Create solutions
Try out solutions

Dear Nikola, I would like to express my gratitude and true appreciation for your remarkable contribution to My Account design space in general, and in particular for the Multicomponent flows. You demonstrate true dedication and commitment in achieving the best designs and user experience and at the same time most accurate and fulfilling business and non-fictional requirements. Your willingness to go the extra mile in analysis and exploration, to deep dive into user research, to gain and consider relevant feedback – all this pays off as great results and smooth experience, which makes all our work more valuable and meaningful for our customers. Thank you for being a great team player and performer!
Mariya Zasheva
Project Manager - Dell
Denis Paskalev
I’ve worked with many designers throughout my professional journey, but Nikola was one of the easiest to work with.
His work ethics are pristine and he is easily adjustable to any given situation. His ability to understand the company’s priorities and internal processes was instrumental for the success of the multiple projects we’ve worked on together.
He is a professional, helpful, and positive person who will deliver high-quality work in a given time frame.
I highly recommend Nikola and would love to work with him again.
Ecosystems and strategy thinker
Nikola, through a highly collaborative and solidly-researched effort, has been vital in providing insights and understanding throughout the work in Content and Store. His ability to simplify the complex and provide examples of how to communicate effectively and visually has contributed to no end efforts to operationalize how we present strategy and actionable insights to drive and inform visions with his partners.
Michael Simborg
Senior Lead Design Strategist - Dell
Georgi Kasapov
Никола изработи за мен графичния дизайн на бранда SenseShiha – което включваше лого, визитки, стикери, етикети, информационни брошури и др. Работи по дизайна на сайта.
Не се опитва да налага своите идеи, а максимално навлиза в главата на клиента, опитва се да прави това което клиента иска, а не това което е удобно за дизайнера. Същевременно по много деликатен начин предлага идеите си, има визия. Много добър в доизпипването на детайлите. Умее да запълва празнотите в идеите на клиента.
Има модерно виждане за нещата. Разчупва стереотипите и не прави банални и скучни неща.
Препоръката е дадена през 2017 г. след изграждане на цялостен брандинг, принт материали и сайт за компанията.
Design Champ
Nikola started working on understanding the Mid-term update for the Multi-component offer. He did a great job in understanding the use cases, did so much groundwork with confirming all the scenarios, and came up with a scalable design solution for any multi-component offer subscription that would come the way of a lead vehicle.
Nikola’s structured working style and coming so much prepared for incremental work had helped us come out with a multi-component offer subscription mid-term update design looks really good.
Rajeswari Kavirayar
BTO (Business Transformation Manager) - Dell
Rajeswari Kavirayar
Design Champ
Nikola started working on understanding the Mid-term update for the Multi-component offer. He did a great job in understanding the use cases, did so much groundwork with confirming all the scenarios, and came up with a scalable design solution for any multi-component offer subscription that would come the way of a lead vehicle.
Nikola’s structured working style and coming so much prepared for incremental work had helped us come out with a multi-component offer subscription mid-term update design looks really good.
Strong Design Force to Inspire
Nikola started with a foundation of trust with a balanced team to drive a design-centered approach from framing the problem space to delivering top-notch design experience on a very complex project ‘My Account Mid Term Multi Component’.
I’ve received many praises from BTO, and responsible PMs about his excellent work and expressed how much they enjoy working with him.
Nikola’s work ethic also contributes to the design team’s success by spotting any UX opportunities to improve key user flows. Nikola is very talented in breaking down a complex product model at an atomic level and explaining it in a very easy way to understand. He has shared and onboarded many designers to understand this vital experience across Dell Digital and EDG design organizations.
Nikola is a fine example of an inspiring UX professional that brings it to the team on a daily basis. We enjoy working together and what an honor to be on the same team with him.
Ling Lee
Design Team Lead - Dell
Ling Lee
Strong Design Force to Inspire
Nikola started with a foundation of trust with a balanced team to drive a design-centered approach from framing the problem space to delivering top-notch design experience on a very complex project ‘My Account Mid Term Multi Component’.
I’ve received many praises from BTO, and responsible PMs about his excellent work and expressed how much they enjoy working with him.
Nikola’s work ethic also contributes to the design team’s success by spotting any UX opportunities to improve key user flows. Nikola is very talented in breaking down a complex product model at an atomic level and explaining it in a very easy way to understand. He has shared and onboarded many designers to understand this vital experience across Dell Digital and EDG design organizations.
Nikola is a fine example of an inspiring UX professional that brings it to the team on a daily basis. We enjoy working together and what an honor to be on the same team with him.
Как да иновираме и подобрим продукт или услуга?
Product Design
Как са дошли добрите идеи? Как са измислени най-готините услуги или продукти? Трябва да има някаква тайна, някаква магия или просто е чиста случайност. Въпреки, че мога да се съглася, че понякога добрите идеи са плод на случайност, то в общият случай това не е точно така. Може би не е въпрос на случайност, нито гениалност? Може би има някакъв метод, който стои зад всичко това? Да, има и точно за този метод ще ви разкажа в статията…
Българин създаде материалите за проект на Google – интервю с Никола Велев.
“Имаше ли предварително определена визия или остави музата ти да решава в движение?
Имах точно изграден план и визия, които следвах във всеки един етап от работата. Според мен правилното планиране, концепция и подготовка са ключа към успеха. Разбира се, не всичко може да се планирa…”