Отзиви от клиенти и работодатели
Alexander Kitov
Perpetto – CEO
Nikola’s began his full-time work at Perpetto right after graduating from university. Before that he spent several weeks helping us part-time. Shortly after becoming part of the team he educated himself about the market we were in and the services our product offered.
His primary work was designing and improving a series of landing pages our team launched in order to convert paid traffic from Facebook and Google. Nikola even started communicating with the advertising agencies and execute whatever improvements they saw needed. He showed skills in drafting and wireframing new templates for the landing pages and later producing them using Unbounce.com. He got acquainted with the concept of A/B testing and conducted several A/B tests on the mentioned landing pages as well as on the main conversion page of Perpetto.com.
Apart from his work on drafting and designing landing pages, Nikola was also active in doing low-fi wireframing for two features of our product. He communicated with the technical team to assure the workflow he imagined was feasible. Other projects he worked on also include the design for our Resources page, an animation of our logo and producing several FB / Google ad banners.
Overall, I would recommend him for the job of a Junior Web Designer without hesitation. He is a very positive, intelligent person with creative potential and will quickly become a skilled web designer with some guidance.
Линк към документа тук.
Препоръката е дадена през 2017 г. след стаж и работа в компанията за около 8 месеца.
Георги Касапов
Sense Shisha – Owner
Никола изработи за мен графичния дизайн на бранда SenseShiha – което включваше лого, визитки, стикери, етикети, информационни брошури и др. Работи по дизайна на сайта.
Не се опитва да налага своите идеи, а максимално навлиза в главата на клиента, опитва се да прави това което клиента иска, а не това което е удобно за дизайнера. Същевременно по много деликатен начин предлага идеите си, има визия. Много добър в доизпипването на детайлите. Умее да запълва празнотите в идеите на клиента.
Има модерно виждане за нещата. Разчупва стереотипите и не прави банални и скучни неща.
Препоръката е дадена през 2017 г. след изграждане на цялостен брандинг, принт материали и сайт за компанията.