User identity security verification

UX Design

Design Brief

Users must verify their identity before they can use all the features of the banks’ mobile application. However, this step is ignored by many users. My goal was to improve the conversion from Instructions Screen to Registration Approved by 60%.

Solution limitations:

*Mandatory can’t be skipped, but the text on the screens and screen design can be modified

**Approval is dependent on internal rules and regulatory requirements

For this purpose, I used the full range of solutions provided by Design Thinking Methodology.


*I do not have permission to use the company name in the materials for my portfolio

Nikola Velev
+359 883 390 312


Research, User testing, Design Thinking, UX/UI Design


2 weeks

Current Design

Design process






1. Empathize


Discover user needs. Define business goals. Meet user needs and business goals with technical and legal constraints in mind.

Who are we designing for?

At this stage, my goal was to learn as much as possible about the user, considering the time limitations.

What worries the user? In what environment he uses the bank’s application? etc.

That’s why I conducted user interviews, user tests, did brief market research, competitor analysis, and more.


I developed two proto-personas: Max and Jimmy. Then I crafted a user journey map.



35 years old

Has a wife and a 3 years old kid. Owns a pet. Works a corporate job and runs a small online business as a side hustle.

Uses apps and websites like LinkedIn, Woocomerse, TBI Bank, Revolut, and Binance on a daily basis.


21 years old

University student. Working his first part-time job at the mall.

Uses apps and websites like Facebook and Instagram on a daily basis.

User journey-map


Max is 35 years old marketing-manager who wants to start using online banking for managing his finance.

Goals & Expectations

Max works full time and runs a business so he doesn’t want to visit the bank’s office to complete the basics tasks concerning his finance. He expects the online bank service to save him time and effort.

Define business goals:

Stakeholder interviews are most often used to clear business goals.


The goal is to develop a business strategy document. Which will distribute the gained knowledge so far. Define tasks and objectives for all teams in the company.

Technical requirements and limitations:

Strong communication between the dev team and the design team is required to clear the technical requirements and limitations.

Legal requirements:

The role of the compliance team is very important. The process of user verification includes collecting personal data and documents.

The goal at this stage (Empathize):

My ultimate goal was to build a strategy document. Then distribute it to all teams in the company. Define user needs and business goals, clear technical constraints, learn about legal requirements. Also, to clear some more details concerning the development of the feature “consumer verification”.

2. Define


The aim here was to define the problem based on the information gathered in the previous stage. So I can focus better on the ideation process and goals.

Defining the Point of View (POV):

I applied the POV strategy to define the problem. The first step was to define the current situation for the user a.k.a. the user’s problem. Then I focused my effort on helping the user reach his final goal (solution). This POV definition brought room for the brainstorming and ideation process that followed.

Max a needs a quick, easy, and secure online banding experience because he doesn’t want to visit the bank’s office so often.

3. Ideate


Тhe goal here was to generate as many ideas as possible. Value quantity over quality at first, and then evaluate the different ideas.

The process of generating ideas is best held in a multidisciplinary team. Where people can collaborate and share their ideas freely.

Used techniques: Worst Possible Idea, Brainstorm, Braindumping, Brainwriting, and more.

At the first stage of ideation “no” or “I don’t agree” are prohibited phrases. The focus is on quantity over quality at first.

In the second part of the ideation process, I’ve developed two design solutions. Then evaluated them in the next stage.

4. Prototype + 5. Test


The goal here was to move from a low-fi prototype to a high-fi, testing my ideas with users.

I went through a paper prototype, low-fi and high-fi prototypes. I realized that the prototyping process is closely related to ideation and testing. Precisely because test users have the opportunity to interact with prototypes, and thus additional ideas are born.

I’ve developed two versions to test my hypothesis with users. Аfter that, I’ve shaped the final design. Highlighting all the pros and cons of each version.

Please contact me for more details on the performed user testing sessions, and I will try to provide recordings of the tests. Оnce participants have given their approval.

User testing session.

Version 1

Version one is more of a guided process with several technical specifications. For example, the use of WebRTC – Real-time communication allowing video, voice, and generic data to be sent between peers.

You can see the pros and cons below:

easy to follow
all pictures should be uploaded right after another
real-time feedback
user can’t see examples
user is guided to the very end
or explore the clickable prototype below

Version 2

Version two is more like a “hub“, where the user can navigate from one step to another before the whole process is complete.

You can see the pros and cons below:

user can see examples
harder to follow and understand
user can submit some pictures later when he is ready (can be in cons also, depends on the task)
submitting the pictures can be postponed or even forgotten by the user
a lot more interactions (taps/clicks)

Techniques and methods used

  • Design Thinking Methodology
  • Proto-personas
  • User journey-map
  • Brainstorming
  • Worst Possible Idea
  • Card Sorting
  • User Interviews and Testing
  • Prototyping


What I learned from this project is that I can make design decisions even without all the necessary information and then test my assumptions. This is typical of the early stages of the design process.

Often you do not have all the requisites to move forward. If so, you should focus on producing a prototype to test with users as soon as possible. Making decisions despite the lack of enough information or time is better than not making ones.

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